Role of Gemini1.5 Pro in Malware Analysis

The surge in malware has significantly burdened cybersecurity professionals, especially malware analysts, necessitating advanced automation and strategies to combat this persistent threat. To assess the malware analysis potential of our Gemini 1.5 Pro model in light of the growing generative AI landscape, we conducted a test. By inputting code samples and straightforward instructions, we tasked the model with determining file maliciousness and identifying related threats. Gemini 1.5 Pro demonstrated accurate malware analysis capabilities when tested on multiple samples, including both decompiled and disassembled code. Comprehensive, human-readable reports were produced for each file, and the model even identified malicious code that was previously undetected by other antivirus systems. Gemini 1.5 Pro demonstrated accurate malware analysis capabilities when tested on multiple samples, including both decompiled and disassembled code. Comprehensive, human-readable reports were produced for each file, and the model even identified malicious code that was previously undetected by other antivirus systems.