Upstra is now a Cyber-Security(Mandiant) partner

Upstra Communications Limited has been a partner of Google Cloud since 2021. It also provided Google Suite support. In the year 2023, Upstra Communications Limited became a cyber-secuirty(Mandiant) partner.

Mandiant Advantage is a multi-vendor XDR platform that delivers Mandiant’s transformative expertise and frontline intelligence to security teams of all sizes. The Mandiant Advantage platform gives security teams an early knowledge advantage via the Mandiant Intel Grid, which provides platform modules with current and relevant threat data and analysis expertise. Armed with continuous security validation, detection and response, organizations are more secure from cyber threats and confident in their readiness.

The Mandiant Services are as follows:
a)Reactive: Stop threats before it causes harm to your company
b)Proactive: After having an incident identify the root cause and provide solution
c)Strategic: Help/suggest solution to companies for cyber security